Why is it Important to Have Gender-Neutral Clothing for Children?
When you enter a children’s clothing store, you are usually greeted with two distinct designs: pink, bright, unicorn-patterned clothes for girls and blue, dark, car-patterned clothes for boys. While the exact image may vary, the gender binary is still prevalent in children’s clothing, as well as in toy stores and book aisles. Gender stereotypes are imposed on children from a very young age, limiting their true personalities by confining them to patterns of taste and behavior based on their gender. As parents, we wouldn’t want to restrict our children’s personalities, right? It’s natural for some girls to like blue and cars or for some boys to love pink and unicorns. By enforcing these stereotypes, we rob children of their freedom of self-expression. So, when did these stereotypes arise, or have they always existed?
It’s fascinating to note that prior to the 1800s, gendered clothing for children did not exist.
Babies, regardless of their sex, typically wore white cotton clothes that were long-lasting and easy to change. It wasn’t until the 1850s that pastel colors began to be introduced into children’s wardrobes. By the early 20th century, stores began to separate colors by gender. However, in contrast to today’s norms, up until the 1940s, pink was actually considered a stronger color for boys, while blue was viewed as more elegant for girls.
After World War II, this perspective shifted and the modern perception of pink as a feminine color and blue as a masculine color emerged. During the feminist movement of the 1960s, gender divisions in fashion began to ease somewhat. However, in the 1980s, the practice of finding out the sex of the baby before birth led to a resurgence of gender-specific clothing. It’s possible that the development of gendered clothing was influenced by marketing strategies, as families with both boys and girls started buying separate clothes for each child, thus driving up sales for stores.
What is the definition of gender-neutral?
Gender-neutral children’s clothing refers to clothing that is not designed based on gender stereotypes. This means that it does not conform to traditional notions of what boys or girls should wear, such as blue for boys and pink for girls. By avoiding such stereotypes, gender-neutral clothing allows kids to express themselves in a way that is authentic to their individual personalities, rather than being limited by societal expectations.
At Walkiddy, we fully support the creative expression and dreams of all children, and we believe that gender-neutral clothing is an important part of that. We strive to empower kids and help them feel liberated through our clothing designs, rather than imposing gendered limitations on them. That’s why you’ll find our collections full of fun, colorful, nature-inspired clothes that are designed for everyone. We don’t categorize our clothing by gender because we believe that all patterns and colors should be available to all kids. Our focus is always on creating designs that allow kids to move freely, play comfortably, and feel happy and confident in their own skin.
We firmly believe that gender-neutral clothing is the future of fashion, and we are committed to doing our part to support it.
Why choose gender-neutral clothing for kids?
1. Encourages freedom of expression and personal growth
From the moment a baby is born, they have limitless potential. However, assigning gender roles and colors can limit their potential and creativity. Gender-neutral clothing allows children to be themselves, express themselves authentically, and focus on exploring the world around them without rules or boundaries. By rejecting gender norms, we can support our kids’ personal development and let them decide who they want to be.
2. Eco-friendly and sustainable
Gender-neutral clothing can be easily shared among children, regardless of gender, which means less consumption, less production, less waste, and a smaller carbon footprint. This not only benefits the planet but also protects your family’s budget.
3. Budget-friendly
Gender-neutral clothing is suitable for both boys and girls, which eliminates the need to buy separate clothes for each child. Children can exchange their clothes or wear hand-me-downs, and your budget for kids’ clothing is reduced.
5. Supports children’s freedom of movement
Gendered clothing can restrict children’s freedom of movement with uncomfortable cuts. Gender-neutral clothing is designed to allow all kids to play and move comfortably and athletically.
Encourages creativity in the industry Gender-neutral clothing has the potential to positively affect many industries. As demand for these garments increases, brands are encouraged to create more creative designs free of gender stereotypes. This encourages marketers to create more creative and original ads that support children’s personal growth. Children who are raised without stereotypes will be more likely to make career choices freely in the future, paving the way for new perspectives and inventions.